Build your company with Antler in Japan
Antlerは創業前の”Day Zero”から人に対して投資を行う”Day Zero Investor”です
アーリーステージに特化したグローバルベンチャーキャピタルとして、創業前の”Day Zero”から世界のマーケットを目指せるよう、Antler Japan Residencyを通してチームビルディングから事業アイディア創出と精緻化、資金調達まで包括的に支援しています
Antlerは創業前の”Day Zero”から人に対して投資を行う”Day Zero Investor”です
アーリーステージに特化したグローバルベンチャーキャピタルとして、創業前の”Day Zero”から世界のマーケットを目指せるよう、Antler Japan Residencyを通してチームビルディングから事業アイディア創出と精緻化、資金調達まで包括的に支援しています
Antler Japanは野心的なアイディアを持ち、イノベーションを起こすために
Antler Japanはあなたの共同創業者を見つけ、ビジネスアイディアを最速で実現するのに最適な場所です
Antler Japanは創業前の”Day Zero”から、共同創業者探しをはじめ
Week1からの共同創業者探しから、事業アイディアの創出、精緻化、そして迎えるWeek10のIC(投資委員会)でAntler Japanからの資金調達を目指していただきます
Masterclass(専門家による講義やTalk Session)、Design Sprint、Idea Sprints、WorkshopやNetworking eventなど、フルタイム・対面式で実施します。共同創業者を見つけ、ビジネスアイディアを検証するためのプログラムを用意しています
そしてチームとして参加するための創業者間の正式な合意として、共同創業チームとしてのプレゼンをAntler Japanに対して行います。チームとして承認されTrack Outしたチームは、Antlerとのメンタリング・コーチングセッションがスタートします
Antler Japanのポートフォリオ企業となった場合には、次の資金調達ラウンドに向けて、引き続きAntler Japanからの集中的なサポートを受けられます
創業初期の問題を解決するスピードと成功率を高めるため、Antlerのグローバルプラットフォームを活用した中長期的な支援を継続的に利用することができ、創業者の成功を最大化するためのメンタリング・コーチング支援、資金調達支援、Antler Networkを活用した海外進出支援等を受けられます
「イノベーションを起こし、社会課題を解決したい」「Day Zeroからグローバル企業を目指す」野心ある卓越した起業家を、Antler Japanはサポートします
As Co-founder and Managing Partner Asia, Jussi works with a global team dedicated to building the most defining technology companies of tomorrow. Jussi leads Antler’s investments in the APAC region and supports founders in building and scaling their businesses, especially with growth and fundraising. He has over a decade of experience across different industries at Nokia, McKinsey, Deloitte and Morgan Stanley.
Jordan Fisher is Venture Partner at Antler Japan, supporting ambitious founders to build the future. He is also Co-Founder and Chairman of Zehitomo, Japan’s marketplace for local services. From home renovations to karaoke coaches, Zehitomo provides a platform to match with 600+ types of service professionals. Prior to founding Zehitomo, Jordan was Vice President at J.P.Morgan in Tokyo, working in Fixed Income Technology and Equities Sales Trading. Born and raised in New York, Jordan holds a B.S. Computer Science from the University of Southern California. Outside of Zehitomo, Jordan is an active mentor to several startups. He is also a loving husband, and a father to two young daughters.
Florian Geier is a Senior Director at Antler Japan, where he works closely with founders to build and scale innovative startups beginning their journey to global greatness in Japan. He brings extensive experience from his roles at the US-Japan Unicorn Playco, where he led Partnerships and Operations, and at Fujifilm’s Innovation and Strategy Planning division, where he led global collaborations with startups and VCs. His strategic investments have led to significant value add for both corporates and startups, including one early-stage startup achieving an IPO with a valuation over $1 billion due to its collaboration with Fujifilm. Florian originally came to Japan as a physics PhD student and has since developed a deep, multi-faceted understanding of both the startup and corporate ecosystem, which he now applies to support new entrepreneurs in Japan and globally.
Ryo Umezawa is a Venture Partner who led Antler’s expansion into Japan. Prior to Antler, Ryo was a Principal at East Ventures, Japan, an early stage venture capital firm. As a serial entrepreneur, Ryo founded two companies, including AllCoupon Japan (acquired), and was Japan’s country manager for companies such as Tinder, Homeaway (Expedia Group) and Hailo. Ryo spent 10 years in the Philippines prior to studying International Business and Economics at Sophia University in Tokyo. Ryo has been selected as a Leader of Tomorrow at the 40th + 44th St. Gallen Symposium, as well as one of the first members of World Economic Forum, Global Shapers Community (GSC) in its Tokyo hub.
Yumiko is the Program Manager for Antler’s Japan Office. Prior to joining Antler, she worked in marketing at L’Oreal and Estee Lauder Companies, where she led successful projects in brand marketing and CRM. She was also engaged in multiple marketing projects and campaigns at Rakuten, helping it grow its ecosystem through a diverse portfolio of services. Born in Thailand, Yumiko grew up in Japan, Switzerland and UK and she is now based in Japan since she studied economics at University of Tsukuba.
Tomoko is the Scout, Marketing & PR Manager of Antler Japan. With nearly 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry, she have contributed to the creation of a wide range of hit content. Prior to joining Antler, she have handled numerous projects and event productions as a PR Manager in collaboration with media partners at Creator's Lab called agehasprings. In recent years, she have led the PR activities for a startup developing a compositional AI service. During her career start at talent agency called Horipro, she laid the foundation for talent management while honing her skills in networking, media relations, and storytelling.
Mamiko started her career in HR and general affairs at AXELMARK INC., an advertisement and web services provider. In 2015, she joined DeNA Travel (now Airtrip Corp., an OTA company) as an HR specialist, and in 2018 she joined BEENOS Inc., a provider of cross-border e-commerce business. After gaining experience in a wide range of HR-related business domains, from planning to operations with a focus on recruitment, she has joined Antler Japan. At Antler, she is in charge of scouting motivated founders and supporting participants during the Cohort Program.
2024年3月13日、Antler Japan初となる『Antler Japan DEMO DAY 2024』を開催しました。会場には国内外の起業家、ベンチャーキャピタル、CVC、個人投資家、Antler Cohort Programの第1期生・第2期生、スタートアップエコシステムを支える人々にご来場いただき、大きなセミナールームは立ち見が出るほどの盛況ぶりとなりました。Antler Cohort Programを通じて共同創業者を得て創業し、出資を受けたポートフォリオ企業5社のご紹介、そして当日のピッチセッションの様子をお届けします。
常識を疑い、業界の『ペイン』が事業の核に。医薬品の流通管理業務における「手作業」のDX化サービス『Yap-BPO』(ヤップ・ビーピーオー)を提供するYap株式会社 CEOの山本正也氏さんの創業までのStory
Making progress a certainty—our north star goal at Antler—can’t happen if driven and visionary people aren’t firing at all cylinders with the support they need to tackle the pressing problems of our time. We’re marking International Women’s Day by asking women founders and team members in Antler’s global community why women are essential to progress.
As 2023 draws to a close, we are proud to mark a special milestone: making our 1,000th investment in companies originating from Antler residencies around the world.
Antler Japanオフィスでの現地参加が可能な方、プログラム期間中フルタイムでの参加が可能な方を対象としています。
対象です。ただし、Antlerの投資条件に合う必要がございますため、選考で確認をさせていただきます。また、プログラム中のTrack Out前に「DD Pack」をご提出いただいております。
- 定款、謄本
- 最新のピッチ資料 (日英ともにもしあれば)
- 事業計画 (3か年以上/エクセル)
- 創業から直近までの財務諸表 (最大5か年分)
- 主要KPIの推移
- (ToBサービスの場合) 顧客リスト
- 株主名簿、資本政策表
- 創業者間契約書、株式引受書、株主間契約書、 分配合意書 (全て)